Yolanda Maneiro Vázquez
Associate Professor of Labour Law and Social Security at the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Extraordinary Degree and Doctorate Award from the USC. Principal Investigator of competitive project of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities: “The impact of EU law on future labour reforms” (Ref.PID2021-122254OB-100) and “Challenges for Spanish labour law in the light of the doctrine of the Court of Justice in the field of social policy and fundamental rights” (Ref.RTI2018-097917-B-100). Author and co-author of several reports for the European Commission. Member of the international network INLACRIS. Lecturer in the framework of the Erasmus Programme at Université Lumière Lyon II (France) and ISCTE -Lisbon (Portugal). Guest lecturer at several Spanish universities. Lecturer in training courses organised by the Spanish General Council of the Judiciary, Spanish Ministry of Finance, Galician Council of Industrial Relations, Xunta de Galicia, Leonor de Guzmán Galician School of Public Administration (EGAP) and Unión General de Trabajadores (UGT), among others. Author of contributions to international, national and regional congresses, seminars and specialised conferences and teaching publications. Her publications include those on Labour Procedural Law, fundamental rights and Social Law in the European Union. Editor of the Revista Galega de Dereito Social. Mediator of the Galician System for the Extrajudicial Settlement of Labour Disputes (AGA).