Marie-Cécile Escande-Varniol
Marie-Cécile Escande-Varniol is an Emeritus Associate Professor of the Deputy Université Lumière Lyon II, where she was until 2022 director of the Institut d’Etudes du Travail de Lyon (IETL). She teaches Labour Law, International and European Social Law. She has participated and managed several European research projects since 2005. Since 2015, her researches have been oriented to the digital work, especially to platform workers. She has published some articles or books chapters on this matter, such as “Sharing Economy: Regulating Online Market Platforms” (Ottawa University of Ottawa Press, 2018) or “Le droit international privé dans le labyrinthe des plateformes digitales” (Swiss Institute of Comparative Law, 2018) -among others-. Recently she was a member of the COGENS Project on Gig-Economy and Collective Bargaining (VS/2019/0084), funded by the European Commission.