Teresa Coelho Moreira
Coelho Moreira is an Associate Professor with Habilitation at the Law School of the University of Minho. She is an integrated member of JusGov – Research Centre for Justice and Teresa Governance – and coordinator of its Research Group on Human Rights, as well as vice-director of the Master’s Degree in Law and Informatics of the School of Law of the University of Minho. She is scientific coordinator of the Green Paper on the Future of Work 2021 appointed by the Minister of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security. She is scientific coordinator of the National Congress on Labour Law. She is a collaborator in various post-graduate, masters and doctoral courses in several national and international universities, and an invited speaker at numerous conferences, seminars and congresses on national and international level, and a trainer at the Centre for Judicial Studies.
She has published various monographs and articles in magazines, both nationally and internationally, specially “Algorithms, Discrimination and Collective Bargaining”, in Collective Bargaining and the Gig Economy – a Traditional Tool for New Business Models, (coord. José Maria Miranda Boto e Elisabeth Brameshuber), Hart Publishing, Londres, 2022; “Privacidade e direitos de personalidade do teletrabalho”, in Revista de administração e emprego público, n.º 07, 2022; – “O consentimento do trabalhador e o Regulamento Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais”, in Estudos sobre a Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados: Doutrina e aplicabilidade no âmbito laboral, artigos, decisões e glossário, coord. Barzotto, Luciane Cardoso e Costa, Ricardo Hofmeister de Almeida Martins, Diadorim Editora, Porto Alegre, Brasil, 2022; – “Digital era, employment and discrimination: is there a discriminatory algorithm?”, in Trabalho na era digital: que direito? | Work in a digital era: legal challenges, Estudos APODIT 9, (coord. Maria do Rosário Palma Ramalho, Catarina Carvalho e Joana Nunes Vicente), AAFDL/ Fundação Caloutse Gulbenkien, Lisboa, 2022. She is a member of the Editorial Board as well as a member of the Scientific Committee of Journals in Portugal, Spain, France, Hungary, Italy, Brazil and Argentina.