Call for papers for the Final Conference of the DIGILARE (101126503) project (11-12 September 2025, Santiago de Compostela, Spain)
The DIGILARE (101126503) project will hold its final conference in Santiago de Compostela, Spain, on 11 and 12 September 2025. It will present the final results of the project, focusing on four ‘coordinates’ of (cross-border) telework and the digital work world: the personal scope (1), the applicable law (2), the means by which industrial relations shall take place at workplace/company level in a digital world of work (3) and the topics that affect digital workers in particular and that are in need of collective regulation (4).
The aim of the final conference is to examine if Social Dialogue, and more specifically industrial relations not only at sectoral level, but also at company and enterprise level, will really contribute to ensuring that an increasingly digital world works for people. Such an analysis will not only be carried out from a dogmatic theoretical point of view, but also by involving various stakeholders: social partners at different levels, including workers’ representatives at the workplace, and employers. Their active participation is crucial to promote the exchange of information and experiences between the parties actively involved in industrial relations.
To add new points of view, call for papers for the Final Conference is opened. Four different tracks for research are offered, according to the internal coordinates of the DIGILARE project:
- A) Personal scope of application – who is covered by workplace representation? (WHO).
- B) Applicable law – which national Member State’s rules apply in a cross-border context? (WHERE).
- C) Implementation – how are employee participation rights more generally speaking guaranteed in a digital world of work? (HOW).
- D) Material scope of application– what needs to be regulated to provide for quality working conditions? (WHAT).
Scholars and practitioners interested in presenting papers in English at the conference are invited to submit a proposal according to the template in the annexed document before 1 February 2025, via e-mail to
Proposals will be subject to blind peer-review by the Scientific Committee and the selection will be announced before 1 April 2025. By proposing a paper, the applicants agree to submit the full paper by 15 July 2025, the latest, according to the publication rules of the HLLJ: . The submission of the paper is compulsory in order to participate and present the paper in the Conference.
A maximum of four proposals will be selected. They will be allotted a spot to present in a special session during the project’s final conference in Santiago de Compostela. Their travel expenses will be covered, with regular limits, by the organization, if the authors come from within the EU, according to the Grant Agreement with the European Commission. Accommodation will be provided by the organisation. The Scientific Committee will also choose the best paper presented and give it the INLACRIS Prize. The winner will be announced during the gala dinner of the Conference.
The selected papers will be published in a special issue of the Hungarian Labour Law E-Journal (