CEF research prize
Professors Miranda Boto and Brameshuber have received an accesit in the prestigious CEF research prize (Premio Centro de Estudios Financieros – CEF), with the essay “El impacto de la digitalización en la representación de las personas trabajadoras: posibilidades y desafíos para los derechos de información y consulta y la negociación colectiva”
Abstract of the paper
The unstoppable digitalisation of work is also bringing about changes at the collective level of labour relations. On the one hand, the dispersion of the workforce is leading to the breakdown of the traditional ties of proximity, which have engendered solidarity among workers. On the other hand, however, the new technologies can play a decisive role in developing the activity of representation and are also a fertile field for collective bargaining. By means of a synthetic examination of comparative law, several of these possibilities are presented, and their place in Spanish law, both de lege lata and de lege ferenda, is analysed. Among the subjects covered are the digital tools that can favour representation tasks; the possibilities of telematic voting; the rights to information and consultation regarding video surveillance, the private use of company resources and digital disconnection; and, of course, the algorithms used by the company for employment purposes. In addition to the legislative dimension, the study takes into account the latest developments in case law and collective bargaining.
An interview with the authors can be read, in Spanish, here: https://www.cef.es/es/instan-repres-trabajadores-enfoque-informaci%C3%B3n-consulta-premio-cef-dcho-laboral.html
The CEF research prize
The CEF, since its inception, has considered that innovation is one of the fundamental pillars that allow the growth of companies and, by extension, of the entire society. For this reason, in the words of its president, in order to “recognize and stimulate creative and research work, and valuing its practical nature”, it created the Financial Studies Award in 1990. Originally, the Award consisted of three modalities: Taxation, Accounting and Business Administration, and Labor Law and Social Security, which over time have been expanded with five more: Human Resources, Civil and Commercial Law, Constitutional Law and Administrative, Advertising and Marketing, and Education and New Technologies, all of them related to the main areas of the company. This annual Award has been growing in each edition, both in the number of works presented from the business, university or Administration field, as well as in their quality, until it has become a reference for research in Spain in the Social Sciences and Legal.