Cécile Nicod
Cécile Nicod is an Associate Professor at the University Lumière Lyon II (France). She is the Director of the Trade Union Training Institute (IFS, Univ. Lyon II), a structure under agreement with the Fren Ministry of Labour which provides training to members of trade unions and labor arbitrators.
She is specialized in the study of Industrial Relations Law and her research is focused on the collective bargaining and the collective rights of workers. Recently, she directed a research on the impact of collective bargaining and workers’ representation reforms adopted in France in 2017 (Deputy director of the Dialaura project, France Stratégie 2019-2021). She is involved in the training of elected representatives and thus participates in their discussions on the development of the tools they need to accomplish their mission.
In 2023, she leads a research project supported by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research and the French Embassy in Cambodia, “Digitalisation and Labour Law” (PHC Tonle Sap).