Felicia Roșioru
Felicia Roșioru is Associate Professor of Labour Law and EU Employment Law at the Faculty of Law, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Member of the COGENS, INLACRIS and NUTRA projects, her research focuses on the collective rights of workers in non-standard forms of employment, on the concept of subordination, the status of intermediate categories, such as the economically dependent workers and of platform workers. National Expert in international research projects financed by the EU Commission, Professeur invité at Université Lumière Lyon II, invited speaker in different Conferences, Seminars and Congresses at National and International level, she is the author of more than 60 papers on Romanian and European Labour Law.
Her most relevant publications include The ‘ Smart ’ Trade Union: New Strategies for a Digitalised Labour Market, J.M. Miranda Boto, E. Brameshuber (eds.), Collective Bragaining and the Gig economy. A Traditional Tool for New Business Models, Hart Publishing, 2022; The Status of Platform Workers in Romania, Comparative Labour Law & Policy Journal, 2020; Reprezentarea colectivă a lucrătorilor prin intermediul aplicațiilor mobile, M. Tichindelean, M. Gheorghe (eds.), Noile tehnologii – consecințe asupra raporturilor de muncă, Editura Universul Juridic, București, 2020; Legal Acknowledgement of the Category of Economically Dependent Workers, European Labour Law Journal, 2014; The changing concept of subordination, Gy. Kiss (ed.), Recent Developments in Labour Law, Budapest, Akademiai Kiado, 2013.