Luca Ratti
Luca Ratti is an Associate Professor of European and Comparative Labour Law and the Director of the Master in European Law (I year) at the University of Luxembourg. He is the holder of the Jean Monnet Chair in European Labour Law for the years 2022-2025.
Before joining the University of Luxembourg, he was Senior Researcher and Adjunct Professor in Labour Law at the School of Law of the University of Bologna (2012-2015). He obtained his PhD with distinction from the University of Bologna (2007). During his academic career, he has been awarded several major research grants. Soon after joining the University of Luxembourg, he obtained in 2016 an Erasmus+ grant (SENSE) for the regulation of labour relations in the field of transnational road transport. Since 2020, he has been the PI of a conspicuous Horizon2020 grant on in-work poverty in Europe (WorkYP) (2020-2023). Since 2021 has is co-PI of an interdisciplinary project on wellbeing at work (W@W), funded by the Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS) of the University of Luxembourg (2021-2024). In December 2021 he was awarded the Jean Monnet Chair in European Labour Law for the years 2022-2025 to research and teach on the Sustainability of the European Social Model (SESaMe). Since 2022 he is also co-PI of a research project of the European Law Institute, aimed at elaborating Guiding Principles on Implementing Workers’ Right to Disconnect (2022-2023).